If you contact us using the same email address that you used when you purchased Draken, we will send you a download link.
Group: Licensing
How much does Draken cost?
Since 1 March 2024 you can no longer purchase or download our Draken add-ons. Sorry.
Bookmark Draken is licensed, not sold. No version of Draken is open source or in the public domain. The license terms still apply (in perpetuity) for your purchased items, even after we have closed our webshop. See the EULA for the respective Draken version for the full license conditions.
Can I use Draken for commercial purposes?
The payware Draken models for Prepar3D as well as the freeware Draken 4.1 (FSX) and 3.2 (FS9) are only intended for personal use and are only sold to private individuals. If you are a company or any other type of organisation you need a commercial license, regardless of how you intend to use Draken. Since 1 March 2024, commercial licenses are no longer offered.