

Please Read This Flight Manual

Document conventions

Credits and acknowledgments

End User License Agreement (EULA)


Installing Draken

Installing in Flight Simulator X

Uninstalling Draken

First startup

Texture resolution

About the model

Interior model

Exterior model

Repaint kit

Flight dynamics

Limits and restrictions

Inverted flight


Normal operating procedures

Before starting the engine

Starting the engine

Taxi and takeoff




Final approach and landing

Go around procedure

Emergency procedures


Hydraulic system failure

Engine fire

Superstall recovery


Cockpit layout overview

Airspeed indicators


Attitude indicators

AOA indicator

G-force indicator


Cabin pressure indicator

Warning and indicator lights


FR31 control panel

FR21 control panel

IFF-2720 transponder

Navigation system

Navigation control panels

Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI)

Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)


Autopilot modes

Trim knobs

Autopilot override conditions

Radar and weapons

Radar system


Radar warning receiver (RWR)

IP1310/ALR display

RWR Control Panel


Hydraulic system

Electrical system

Emergency Power Unit

Fuel system


Landing gear

Stall warning system

Oxygen system

Features and special effects

Options panel




Drop tanks

Drag chute

Contrails and smoke

Chocks and covers

Pilot animations

About Saab 35 Draken



Export versions

Appendix 1: Cockpit glossary

Electrical panels and switches

Engine panel

Warning lights


Radar and weapons panels

Circuit breakers

Appendix 5: Technical data

Appendix 6: Prepar3D commands

Flight Manual: Bookmark J-35OE Draken 1.12024-04-04

Normal operating procedures

Before starting the engine

Starting the engine

Taxi and takeoff




Final approach and landing

Go around procedure

Before starting the engine

In the following screenshots the animated switch protector covers have been hidden. You can enable/disable this feature from the Options panel (F9).

  1. Switch on the main power (battery) switch.

    This will connect the hot battery bus to the main 29 VDC bus.

    MISSING GRAPHIC: ../graphics/35oe_engine_panel_startup_02.jpg
  2. Switch all circuit breakers on (up).

    MISSING GRAPHIC: ../graphics/35oe_cb.jpg
  3. The master warning light and the following warning lights will now be lit.

    The canopy warning light KAB.DACH will be lit if the canopy is open.

    (see Systems for an explanation of all warning lights)

    MISSING GRAPHIC: ../graphics/35oe_annpan_before_start.jpg
  4. Check that the gear indicator shows 3 green lights for the main and nose gear.

    The spur wheel light may be unlit before the engine is started.

    MISSING GRAPHIC: ../graphics/35oe_gear_ind_only.jpg
  5. Open the main and afterburner low pressure fuel valves (EIN).

    MISSING GRAPHIC: ../graphics/35oe_engine_panel_startup_03.jpg

    The low pressure fuel valve warning light ND-HAHN KRAFTST. should now be unlit.

    The external tank fuel valve warning light ZUS. BEH. should be lit if the aircraft is fitted with external tanks. If the external tanks are empty the light will be unlit.

    The fuel level gauge is powered by the AC bus, which means that it will show zero until the engine is started.

  6. If external tanks are fitted, open the external tank fuel valves (EIN).

    Check that the ZUS. BEH. warning light on the engine control panel is unlit.

    MISSING GRAPHIC: ../graphics/35oe_fuel_mode.jpg

    When fuel is supplied from the drop tanks, fuel pressure will be sufficient even without the fuel pump running. The fuel pump warning light TANKPUMPE on the main warning panel should therefore now be unlit.

  7. Close the canopy. Check that the canopy warning light KAB.DACH is unlit.

The pre-starting procedure is now complete. Proceed to Starting the engine.

Starting the engine

  1. Apply the parking brakes.

  2. Press and hold the starter pushbutton. Release the starter as soon as the sound of the start pump (a high whining sound) is heard.

    MISSING GRAPHIC: ../graphics/35oe_engine_panel_startup_05.jpg
  3. The oil pressure and hydraulic system warning lights on the main warning panel should go out as the engine spools up.

    The electrical system warning light ELEKTRIK and fuel pump warning light TANKPUMPE will remain lit until the alternator is engaged (see next step).

    The oxygen warning light SAUERST. will be lit if the oxygen valve is closed.

    MISSING GRAPHIC: ../graphics/35oe_annpan_no_ac_no_oxy.jpg

    If no exterior tanks are fitted the fuel pump warning will be unlit.

  4. When engine speed is stable >30 %, press the alternator switch upwards (EIN) to engage the alternator on the main AC bus.

    MISSING GRAPHIC: ../graphics/35oe_rpm_idle.jpg
    MISSING GRAPHIC: ../graphics/35oe_engine_panel_startup_06.jpg
  5. Open the oxygen valve. Check that the oxygen warning light SAUERST. goes out.

    MISSING GRAPHIC: ../graphics/35oe_oxygen_valve.jpg

All warning lights on the warning lights panel as well as the master warning light on the front panel should now be unlit.

The engine startup procedure is now completed. Proceed to Taxi and takeoff.

Taxi and takeoff

  1. Set communication and navigation radios as needed.

  2. Set the IFF transponder to ON.

  3. Set the autopilot to DÄMPFUNG (pitch damping, the default mode).

  4. Check and set the altimeters as needed.

  5. Release the parking brake and increase engine speed to about 60 %, then reduce throttle as soon as the aircraft starts moving. Use the tiller/pedals and wheel brakes to control the aircraft on the ground.

  6. When lined up on the runway, apply the parking brake and center the nose wheel.

  7. Move the stick to check control surface movement.

    When the engine is idling, large stick movements may cause the HYDR.II warning to light up. This is normal as the hydraulic pressure is low at this point.

  8. Release the parking brake and hold the aircraft using the toe brakes.  

  9. Increase throttle to 70 % and check that the engine responds. Release the toe brakes and apply full throttle. Use afterburner as needed.

  10. Check that engine speed is within 98–105 % and EGT within 600–750 °C.

    MISSING GRAPHIC: ../graphics/35oe_takeoff.jpg
  11. Start rotation at 135 knots, lift off before 175 knots.

  12. Retract gear before exceeding 220 KIAS.

  13. Shut off the afterburner when above 270 KIAS unless you intend to climb on afterburner (see Climb).


Climb is normally carried out on full throttle with or without afterburner. Adjust the pitch as needed to control your climb speed.

Throttle setting

Normal climb speed


Full throttle without A/B

0.9 M


Full throttle with A/B

460 KIAS to 0.9 M


When climbing on afterburner, keep the angle of attack up to avoid overspeeding.

Zoom climb

Zoom climb is carried out by accelerating to very high speed in level flight, then using the kinetic energy to climb. In this way you can achieve a much higher climb rate than is possible in a sustained climb.

  1. Make an initial climb to a suitable altitude and level off.

  2. Accelerate on full throttle + afterburner, maintaining level flight.

    Do not exceed VNE.

    Reduce throttle if EGT exceeds 770°C.

  3. Raise the nose smoothly to 30–45° attitude. The attitude angle depends on your speed: Higher Mach number = steeper attitude.

  4. Level off smoothly at the desired altitude. Avoid negative G.

    Minimum Vi at TOC = 160 KIAS.


Normal cruise speed = 0.9 Mach.

Supersonic speed can be attained at all altitudes up to about 42000 ft (13000 m).

Vne (never exceed speed) can easily be exceeded at low altitude.


Reduce throttle to ground idle (0% throttle, ~30% engine speed) for a standard descent. Optimal sink rate is achieved at 0.9 M to 300 KIAS Vi descent speed.

Final approach and landing

Apply speed brakes and decelerate to 270 KIAS at 1300 ft altitude. Extend gear when <270 KIAS, increase throttle to counter for gear drag if necessary. Watch your speed and let it bleed off gradually to 200 KIAS before the final turn, 175 KIAS minimum when you exit the turn.

Ideal conditions would mean a long, straight final approach at 160–190 KIAS and 12° AOA with gear down and speedbrakes deployed. Engine rpm should be 80–85 % depending on remaining fuel weight.

Keep a constant check on your speed and alpha until you are safely on the runway. Touch down at 145 knots minimum, 170 kmh if heavy. Do NOT flare, and do NOT cut the throttle before touch down!

After TD, keep the nose up for aerodynamic braking as long as possible, then add wheel brakes.

Deploy the drag chute if you are heavy or on a short runway.

MISSING GRAPHIC: ../graphics/35oe_final_approach.jpg

Be very careful when below 175 KIAS at low altitude. If you pull up at this point you will reach stall conditions very quickly, with no chance of recovery. If you have any doubts about your ability to make a safe landing – GO AROUND.

Go around procedure

  1. Retract speed brakes

  2. Apply full throttle, use afterburner if necessary

  3. If drag chute is deployed, release it

  4. Retract gear when aircraft is accelerating